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Mind Reading

4 Jan

picture-3This was a really interesting pieceĀ  that was just on 60 minutes concerning the latest in neuro-technology research. fMRI – functional MRI technology is starting to be able to identify thoughts.

Neuroscience has learned much about the brain’s activity and its link to certain thoughts. As Lesley Stahl reports, it may now be possible, on a basic level, to read a person’s mind.

Check it out…

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Pretty cool, I have covered improvements in mind-computer interfaces on Tomorrow’s Trends for a while. Most recently, there was a post on additional mind-blowing neuro-tech concerningĀ  “The Dream Machine”.

Vertical Farming

23 Dec
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Here is a Discovery video on “vertical farming” a concept for farming food and raising livestock in skyscrapers.

The Dream Machine

13 Dec


This is a pretty impressive advancement in mind-computer interfaces. Their technology can actually read and interpret the visual cortex, reconstructing what you are seeing. This would apply to actual visual images coming thorough the eye, or things you “see” in a dream.

Dream Recorder: New Technology Could Display Your Dreams on Screen:

“In a nutshell, the device converts electrical signals sent to the visual cortex into images that can be viewed on a computer screen. In their experiment, they showed test subjects the six letters in the word neuron and succeeded in reconstructing the word on screen by measuring their brain activity.”



Here is a video I found of tests where images are shown taken from the brain an compared with the actual images.

Shape Shifting Car

10 Jun

BMW is working on a shape-shifting car.

VIA Wired