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The roomba has some competition

9 Feb

The roomba has some competition from the Neato….

Apple Buys Lala

4 Dec




According to several sources including All Things Digital.  Apple has purchased Lala music streaming service.  The bigger story will be why did Apple buy Lala.  Maybe Apple is thinking about an iTunes in the cloud service.  More and more users are becoming comfortable with having there data stored in the cloud.  We will just have to wait and see.

[All Things Digital]

Google Public DNS

3 Dec


Google launched a free DNS service today.  The service is called Google Public DNS.  Google is trying to make your web browsing experience even faster.

First of all some of you might not be familiar with DNS.  So what does DNS do?  DNS takes domain names (example and converts the name into the unique IP address for that site.  This is how computers communicate over the internet.

Google gives step-by-step instructions on how to change your DNS on your computer or router, head over to Google’s instruction for more information.

I changed my DNS information to use Google’s service.  To me it is not as fast as OpenDNS which is what I usually use for my DNS.  So give it a try and leave us a comment on your experience using Google Public DNS.

[Google Blog]

Wolfram Alpha Solves Your Math Problems

2 Dec

Wolfram Alpha Step-By-Step Math

The next time you have trouble solving a mathematical equation.  Wolfram Alpha will help you solve your problem.

Just point your browser to Wolfram Alpha site and type in the problem you need to solve (for example, Solve 5x – 6 = 3x – 8).  Then you will have the option to show the steps on how to solve the problem.  I have seen other sites that will solve the problem and give you just the answer.  What makes this so useful and a great teaching tool is the ability to show step-by-step how to solve the problem. 

[Wolfram Alpha Blog]

Stop the Presses! Literally.

24 Sep
Screen shot 2009-09-24 at 10.25.44 PM.png

Total paid subscriptions are starting to really fall off of a cliff for print media. This is greatly due to the Internet and the fact that they are giving their product away on the Internet.

Screen shot 2009-09-24 at 10.37.09 PM.png

Interestingly enough, out of the top 25 newspapers, only one has seen growth in 2008-2009 – the Wall Street Journal.

Link: MINT-DEATH-OF-NEWS-R2.png (PNG Image, 1100×2001 pixels)

Heathrow Driverless Taxi

18 Aug


Heathrow Airport’s is going to have 18 personal rapid transport (PRT) vehicles.  The driver-less taxis will move passengers around Heathrow Airport.

“The four-passenger personal rapid transport (PRT) vehicles, unveiled this week at the Science Museum in London, take airport-goers on a special narrow road from Heathrow’s Terminal 5 to various parking lots. Passengers use a touch screen to type in their destination, press a start button, and the battery-powered vehicle zips along at 25 mph to their destination. There’s a reason the pods look so futuristic–they were designed by Mark Lowson, who worked on the Saturn Rocket that launched Apollo missions.”

[Fast Company]

Augmented Reality Shopping

26 Jun

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Online retailers have always had a few shortcomings when competing against physical retailing. People often like to check out the real physical object before purchasing. Online retailers have come up with several ways to deal with the issue – from long-term return policies to Amazon’s “search inside” feature. Zugara is giving a shot at using virtual reality to help people shop for clothes. The shopper stands in front of their home camera and can “try on” different clothes. The problem here is that while you may get an idea of what the clothes would look like on you, it would not tell you what you would actually look like with the item on – after it conforms to your particular fit. I can see this working a little better with eyeglass frames or other items that don’t change shape as much. On the other hand, this may be a good start and may increase sales because it may really give you a better idea of what the colors, etc would look like on you. Check it out for yourself.

Here is the video of their system in action:

iPhone 3G S vs iPhone 3G

8 Jun


Some of you are wondering which iPhone to get.  This comparison chart will help you make that important decision.



Google Squared

3 Jun


The latest addition to Google Labs was released today.  It is called Google Squared, according to Google, “constructs a table of facts about any search category you specify”.

Basically Google Squared takes data from Web pages and organizes them in a square online spreadsheet.  It is nice to have information neatly labeled and categorized.

You can try Google Squared in Google Labs.

Tomorrow's Trends is now available on the Kindle

17 May

picture-7You can now subscribe to Tomorrow’s Trends on the Kindle.

Here is the link.

Tomorrow’s Trends is still available for free via:

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