Archive | June, 2010

NBC and Time Warner Staying with Adobe Flash

1 Jun

We have all heard about the Steve Jobs of Apple versus Adobe over Flash debate.  Apple is really pushing the HTML5 format as the choice that content providers should adopt.  Steve Jobs may in fact be correct that HTML5 will be how content is delivered in the future.  Currently Adobe Flash still dominates the desktop users.  Many content providers have already begun moving content over to HTML5.  According to the New York Post Time Warner and NBC Universal at this time has decided to continue using Flash.

This doesn’t necessarily mean Time Warner and NBC Universal content will not show up on your iPad or iPhone.  These companies could release a custom made app for this content.  Which ABC and Netflix has already done.  The battle between Flash and HTML5 is far from over.    

[New York Post]

Windows Not Allowed at Google

1 Jun

The employees at Google using Microsoft Windows will need to select “Shut Down” for the last time.  Google is no longer allowing Microsoft Windows to be used unless you get special approval from the CIO.  Google will give the employees the choice of OS X or Linux.

Google is transitioning away from Windows over security risks.  This could be an overreaction to the hacking incident that occurred in China.  The exploit was due to Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.  Google could just ban the use of Internet Explorer instead of the entire operating system.

This is certainly a blow to Microsoft and the license fees they would have received over time.   Not sure you will see other companies making such a dramatic change.  Most large companies do not even give employees a choice of operating systems.  Then again, Google is not your typical company.
