McDonald's Charging Stations

7 Jul


While you are sipping on a McCafe Latte you can charge your electric vehicle.  McDonald’s is opening the first “green” restaurant in Cary, North Carolina on July 14th.  The restaurant is made of eco-friendly building materials and will include ChargePoint Network Charging Stations for electric vehicles.

According to NovaCharge these ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations will provide:

•    A secure, safe, reliable way for consumers to charge their electric vehicles anywhere they work and play.
•    The ability for EV drivers to find, and navigate to, available open stations.
•    Secure, authorized access charging, while eliminating energy theft and cord theft.
•    An infrastructure that enables rapid growth of the market for plug-in electric vehicles of all types.
•    Administrative monitoring and control services to allow utilities to optimize grid use.

“McDonald’s is an industry leader in environmental conservation and they are continually launching new initiatives to create a sustainable world” said Helda Rodriguez, president of NovaCharge. “We are pleased to be able to partner with them to deliver the ChargePoint Network system, and to provide safe, convenient, grid-friendly, charging stations for
electric vehicles.”


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