Power from Nuclear Waste?

24 Dec

Britain may attempt a program to re-use nuclear waste to get more power…

A plan by the nuclear industry to build a ¬£1bn fuel processing plant at Sellafield is being backed by the government’s chief scientist. The plant would turn the UK’s 60,000 tonnes of high-level nuclear waste into reactor fuel that will provide 60 per cent of this country’s electricity until 2060, it is claimed.’We can bury our reactor waste or we can treat it and then use it as free fuel for life,’ said the cabinet’s chief science adviser, Sir David King. ‘It’s a no-brainer.’

But the plan is controversial. A report by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, which operates the Cumbrian plant and backs the plan, acknowledges the move could have ‘downside’ economic costs, although it also stresses it has many benefits. In addition, green groups say the move would lead to the creation of ‘a plutonium economy’ in Britain that would see large quantities of nuclear fuel being transported across the country.

Nuclear waste could power Britain | Science | The Observer

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