Expanding Your Desktop

6 Oct


Have you noticed that there hasn’t been any real innovation around the computer desktop and the “window” GUI concept in, like a decade or so? I think that’s odd. I have tried several different desktop enhancement software that allowed you to create multiple desktop or an expanded desktop where you can move around and out icons across a wider area. I have not been happy with any of them. Perhaps the current GUI model we have is simple enough for people – and just works….

I have thought for years that “windows” would also progress into “cubes” – in other words I thought that we should experiment with making a window just one side of a virtual cube on the desktop. I would have an arrow button where you can flip the “cube” around to see another side of it. This would allow you to have a single window on your desktop, but up to 6 applications would be running– one on each side.

 Anyway, back to the enhanced desktop, 360 Desktop is one that looks promising and I will give it a try as soon as I can get a copy. I has some clever ways of letting you navigate your virtual desktop and makes your screen virtually much wider… I think I would actually use one of these if it was highly intuitive and worked seamlessly. It just seems like I would be able to multi-task better sometimes.

If what I am saying is not making sense or you just want to see this “enhanced desktop” concept in action, check out the video below. 

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