The Woz

15 Sep

WozThe Woz spoke here at Idea Festival last night. Also known as Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple computer, inventor, entrepreneur, and just all around top-tier intellect.

Louisville loved Woz. We all enjoyed the energetic speech.

The story of Steve Wozniak is a story of innovation and entrepreneurism. Some key things I took away:

  • Follow your passions
  • Take ‚Äúno‚Äù for an answer  ‚Äì if big companies refuse your ideas, that is – (then just do them yourself)
  • Team up with other forward-facing people (there is really only a very small percentage of real innovative entrepreneurs, when you find them, keep in touch, team up)
  • Be curious
  • Don‚Äôt give up
  • Have fun: Woz is the type of guy that is always having fun and laughing. This is your life- have fun and laugh as you pursue your passions.

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