Searching for new ways to search

29 May

MylivesearchThis company claims to have created a search engine better than Google.

Basically, they search the web live as opposed to searching through a cache of Internet data ‚Äì  like all current search engines.

Truly searching the web ‚Äúlive‚Äù in a second is not possible right now. So, what they appear to be doing is using current search results (cached) and then using those results as starting points for live spiders to go out and search. They don‚Äôt have a beta out yet, to check out personally. 

Something tells me if they are that good, a current search engine will snap them up and they will not be an independent company for long.

MyLiveSearch is fundamentally different. It works through a small browser plug-in. The search terms are put through Google, or other indexed search databases, but those results are treated as "starting points" alongside the user’s bookmarks and other popular web hubs.

From there, the live search takes over, crawling through hundreds of web pages connected to those starting points in search of more information relevant to the search.

Mr Gabriel says the results come back in seconds, and are almost always richer, more detailed and more useful than a standard, index-based search. His product can also search the so-called "invisible web" of dynamically-generated web pages that search engines have trouble indexing.

Better than Google? Creator thinks so – Technology –