Americans' circle of close friends shrinking

26 Jun

Although Americans have many more electronic ways to communicate than in the past – our social contact networks have shrunk.

Recent research shows that current Americans have fewer colse friends. One cause may be our dispersed lifestyle. Whereas many people grew up and stayed closer to home 50 – 100 years ago –  it is not uncommon today to go away to school, the move again when you go to work, then get transferred again and again.

Almost 25% of those surveyed said that they have no close friends.

"Nearly a quarter of people surveyed said they had "zero" close friends with whom to discuss personal matters. More than 50 percent named two or fewer confidants, most often immediate family members, the researchers said." – Americans’ circle of close friends shrinking – Jun 23, 2006

I am not sure what all this portends for society, but I don’t think I like it.