Archive | March, 2006

Books vs eBooks

11 Mar

Will eBooks ever replace “real” books?
What is holding up eBooks? Why are people not buying?

Top reasons are:

1. Cost
2. Form Factor: shape/ size
3. Not enough content available

SlashDot has some interesting discussion on the topic.
“eBooks – What’s Holding You Back?
Posted by Cliff on Friday March 10, @11:45AM
from the there’s-nothing-like-cracking-a-fresh-spine dept.
blueZ3 asks: “It seems that the readers of Slashdot are the most likely early adopters of electronic books, but from posts I’ve seen here, it doesn’t appear that many on Slashdot are e-book fans. In the hopes of sparking a discussion, I’d like to ask what keeps you personally from reading e-books?”

“Here are some of my guesses as to why people haven’t taken up e-Books:

1. Form factor: They just prefer the feel and ‘interface’ of a paper book.

2. Lack of a compelling device (or perhaps lack of convergence): They don’t own a reader (other than a PC or notebook) and can’t take them with them.

3. Lack of content: Books they are interested in aren’t available in electronic format

4. Distribution model: They don’t like the DRM scheme their favorite publisher offers, or are otherwise unhappy with current offerings. “


The general consensus is that books are simply superior and eBooks may NEVER gain general acceptance.

I disagree, I think that the screen technology is not good enough yet, and the price and selection are not at the right points… yet. But, I think it will happen and people will have a device that reads as well as a book with more advanced notation features. Also, I think that these future eBook devices will allow you to carry a library in your pocket. Think an “iPod” for the written word.

I think that this device will also accept incoming wireless live newsfeeds and weather, too. It may be a while, but it could be superior enough to replace books.

Thought controlled typewriter

9 Mar

“A computer controlled by the power of thought alone has been demonstrated at a major trade fair in Germany.

The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface (BBCI) dubbed the “mental typewriter” was created by researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin and Charit, the medical school of Berlin Humboldt University in Germany. It was shown off at the CeBit electronics fair in Hanover, Germany. “


Prosper: The future of finance?

4 Mar

Prosper is “The online marketplace for people-to-people lending”. It allows individuals to individually lend money to individual borrowers. The website facilities the borrowing/ lending market. All payments are also facilitated by Prosper.

Prosper Groups
Sound risky for the lenders? They have an interesting way to reduce risk. They allow you to do what the pros do: lend to groups. Individual borrowers can be members of groups, so that obligations/ risks can be spread across multiple borrowers. See the graphic below.

The internet is great for creating free markets of individuals, complete with transparency, and negotiated terms.

Prosper also allows rates to be bid on in a free-market fashion. Payments are tracked by the site to allow borrowers to build a good reputation, and earn the right to ask for lower rates.


Ether: Earn money by selling what you say.

4 Mar

Ether is a new site that lets you charge people for talking to them on the phone. You set your rate per hour that your conversation is worth, and Ether will charge callers. After a small fee is taken out for Ether, you get the rest.

You get your own phone number and extension. Calls to that number are forwarded to your private number, keeping your identity and private number safe. Also, you can log into the website and set the times you will be available.

Ether could be useful for people to use their personal expertise to make money.

I know it may be a bit of a long shot, but I like it.

What’s Missing

Two things that I do not see on the site, that would help this be a big successs (or, an even bigger success):

1. A directory of who to call in different categories.
I can see categories for “Home” expertise like plumbing, and an “Automotive” expertise in case someone would need quick home-fixup or car repair advice. Some other great categories would be technology/ computers, business, and financial/ investing/ accounting.

These are all categories where people often look for advice, but do not always know someone who is immediately available to get advice from.

I would expect that there would also be sub-categories under these larger categories, also.

2. A Reputation System I would like to know if past callers got good advice or not. After a caller is done talking to the “consultant” the caller should be asked on the phone – from an automated device – to rate the quality of the call (press 1 if the did a great job, 2 for an average job, etc..).

If a directory and reputation system is put into place, I could see where this site would have a shot for the long term.


Smart Umbrella

4 Mar

With wireless becoming more mainstream and ubiquitous, the next couple decades will be rife with “smart” objects.

The smart umbrella will be available in 2006. If rain is forecast for today, the handle of this umbrella glows so that you will know to take it with you.

Ah the end of the handle, is a wireless radio that receives weather data. The the umbrella’s radio receives information and then pulses a blue LED when rain is forecast.


eInk weather predictor

4 Mar

Ambient Devices will soon be coming out with an eInk device. It is a small, handheld display that shows the weather for the next 5 days. The eInk Weather Wizard picks up a wireless signal with weather information and displays using eInk.