CPUShare – The Low Cost Supercomputer

25 Mar

CPUShare is a softare/ website that allows you to share your computer’s idle processing power to use it for supercomputing. The CPUs from many computers can be pooled over the Internet to create one big supercomputer.

The time you allow your computer to be used will earn you time on the supercomputer for your own calculations, or if you prefer, cold hard cash.

"CPUShare is a research project founded with the goal of connecting together the computers of the Internet in order to create a general purpose Low Cost and World Wide Supercomputer available to everybody to use in a matter of minutes, controlled by a market for the CPU resources that chooses the price of the CPU resources using the supply and demand law in real time.
CPUShare allows the home users to profit from the significant power of their hardware that otherwise would be wasted every day. "
