Books vs eBooks

11 Mar

Will eBooks ever replace “real” books?
What is holding up eBooks? Why are people not buying?

Top reasons are:

1. Cost
2. Form Factor: shape/ size
3. Not enough content available

SlashDot has some interesting discussion on the topic.
“eBooks – What’s Holding You Back?
Posted by Cliff on Friday March 10, @11:45AM
from the there’s-nothing-like-cracking-a-fresh-spine dept.
blueZ3 asks: “It seems that the readers of Slashdot are the most likely early adopters of electronic books, but from posts I’ve seen here, it doesn’t appear that many on Slashdot are e-book fans. In the hopes of sparking a discussion, I’d like to ask what keeps you personally from reading e-books?”

“Here are some of my guesses as to why people haven’t taken up e-Books:

1. Form factor: They just prefer the feel and ‘interface’ of a paper book.

2. Lack of a compelling device (or perhaps lack of convergence): They don’t own a reader (other than a PC or notebook) and can’t take them with them.

3. Lack of content: Books they are interested in aren’t available in electronic format

4. Distribution model: They don’t like the DRM scheme their favorite publisher offers, or are otherwise unhappy with current offerings. “


The general consensus is that books are simply superior and eBooks may NEVER gain general acceptance.

I disagree, I think that the screen technology is not good enough yet, and the price and selection are not at the right points… yet. But, I think it will happen and people will have a device that reads as well as a book with more advanced notation features. Also, I think that these future eBook devices will allow you to carry a library in your pocket. Think an “iPod” for the written word.

I think that this device will also accept incoming wireless live newsfeeds and weather, too. It may be a while, but it could be superior enough to replace books.