This is your brain on Google

19 Dec

Google is slowly changing the way people think and remember. People are memorizing less and letting Google pick up the slack. Originally, the written word allowed us to remember/ memorize less. As technology improves, it allows us to write more and access data easier than ever before in human history. I think it is impacting the way we think. Spell checkers, for example, have made some of us more lackadasical in the spelling department.

Is this a good thing? Yes, I think, as long as we spend our brain powrer on things that computers can’t do yet: solve the big problems. And, there are plenty of problems left to tackle.

“As more people find themselves spending much of the day within arm’s reach or even pocket’s reach of something that can tap into the Internet, search engine Google quickly is taking the place of not only a trip to the library, but also a call home to Mom, a recipe box, the phone book and neighborly advice.

Why remember? Google can do the brain work for you.

In fact, it has become the key to a huge repository of trivia, the kind that once rattled around in the back of our minds. Call it our auxiliary brain.

Kristin Beltramini, a recent college graduate, can’t imagine keeping things like the capital of Turkey or how to get red wine out of the carpet in her long-term memory.

“It is amazing how often I use the search engine when I can’t think of something,” says the public-relations associate at PAN Communications in Andover, Mass.
